
Are you one of those who has the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach towards cockroaches, only checking on them as and when they pop up? If yes, then these below mentioned cringe-worthy facts might change your approach and make you eliminate these stomach-churning critters from house – once and for all.

  • They’re ridiculously resilient

Like, the most resilient things you would ever come across. The modern cockroach has been existing for more than 200 million years, which means that they have outlived dinosaurs, survived the ice age and protected themselves from nuclear radiation experiments. So, it’s safe to say that cockroaches are not the one to go down without a fight.

  • No head? No worries

Talking about not going down without a fight, were you aware of the fact that cockroach can live for a week or more without its head? Cockroaches breathe with the help of tiny holes located in each body part called as spiracles. So, as much as you would like to believe otherwise, getting rid of their head is not going to squat to get rid of them

  • They’re bacteria bandits

Cockroaches have the ability to carry up to 33 different types of bacteria including salmonella and E.coli, which can makes us really sick. They can even carry the poliovirus.

Roaches tend to spread these nasty diseases by vomiting and defecating on our food and close to our homes.

  • They’re faster than you think

Cockroaches are one of the fastest of all land creatures, with legs that can catapult themselves to an astounding 80 centimeters per second. This only makes them impossible to get hold of, but also means that they are spreading germs and bacteria inside your house at an alarmingly rapid and far-reaching rate.

  • Cockroaches are reproductive machines

Certain female cockroaches only need to be impregnated once in order to lay eggs for her entire lifetime. A female German cockroach can give birth to up to 300 offspring in her lifetime. So, if you catch a cockroach that has lost its way from the nest, just keep in mind that there are plenty more where it came from – literally thousands!

  • Stink bugs

Yes, cockroaches can give out unpleasant odors and stench gets stronger by the increase in the number of cockroaches, so it’s difficult to detect a cockroach nest simply by locating the region of the musty smell.

  • Night crawlers

Cockroaches are nocturnal by nature, so if you catch one roaming in your house during the day, there are chances that it was forced out the nest due to overcrowding, which in turn suggests that you may have a roach infestation on your hands.

  • Sneaky scavengers

From meat to bread, sugar to alcohol, decaying garbage, sewage and even toothpaste, cockroaches enjoy eating it all, why is why they find solace in our kitchens to get easy access to food spills, open food products, crumbs, and scraps in pet food bowls.

  • Fierce endurance

Regardless of their scavenging ways, the shocking truth about cockroaches are that they can live for a month or more without food.  So, even though your kitchen is spick-and-span, roaches may still be roaming around. What they definitely can’t live without, however, is water and will die if kept away from H20 for a week.

  • Water babies

Were you aware of the fact that cockroaches can hold their breath or go without air for 45 minutes and they can also survive being submerged underwater for a painstaking 30 minutes? So eventually, trying to drown a cockroach is not going to leave you with successful results.

Now that we are aware of exactly how tough cockroaches are, it’s pretty obvious that trying to tackle them one at a time when you notice them is a frustrating and futile pursuit. Instead, opting for a solution that banishes all the lurking cockroaches will prove to be a far more successful approach.

So, from the house of Mortein, we give you  Insta All Insect Killer Aerosol as a certified roach buster.


Cockroaches. Even the mere mention of the word is enough to make you shudder in disgust.



Cockroaches are known to love the smell of paper, which soaks up the pheromones they put out to tell their partners in crime that they’ve found a food source, so definitely avoid storing stacks of newspapers and magazines on the floor.