According to an official report, India has reported 1, 094 swine flu-related deaths till now in the year 2017, with the majority of 342 casualties getting reported in the month of August only.
The official report released for the 33rd week of this year on swine flu stated that the highest number of deaths happened in Maharashtra at 437, followed by Goa at 269 and Rajasthan with 69 deaths.
The recorded cases so far is approximately 22, 186 cases with Maharashtra leading again roughly 4, 245 cases and Goa in the second place with 3, 029 cases and Tamil Nadu with 2, 994 cases.
Other states that has been majorly hit by swine flu till August 20, 2017 are Karnataka with 2,596 cases and Kerala with 1, 374 cases. The capital of India, Delhi, reported 1, 416 cases of swine flu with two deaths as of August.
The worst outbreak of swine flu was seen in the year 2015 with a total of 42, 592 cases reported out of which there were 2, 990 deaths.
Now as you have read the numbers, you are sure to understand the gravity of the situation. So, the next step is to know how to protect yourself from chikungunya.
Below mentioned are certain preventive measures one can take in order to keep swine flu at bay –
- Don’t depend on seasonal vaccination to safeguard you from the H1N1 Virus. The vaccination for swine flu is not the same and you must either get both or at least get the vaccination for H1N1 Virus to keep swine flu at bay.
- If you don’t have any symptoms of the H1N1 Virus then you don’t need to wear a face mask, whereas if you are showing symptoms then you should go with a face mask so that you can avoid spreading your illness. Moreover, if you are showing symptoms you must regularly wash your hands, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, and restrict contact with other people till your symptoms have been confirmed or if your fever has subsided for than 24 hours. Most importantly, keep a distance of 6 feet away from anyone who is showing symptoms. And, in case you are using face mask, throw it after one time use.
- As soon as you see symptoms of swine flu, visit a doctor and get yourself checked. Regular swine flu symptoms are – cough, fever sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, headaches, chills, and fatigue, severe or regular vomiting, difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure close to chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness, and flu like symptoms.
- Do not use your arm or hands to cover your face while sneezing, rather use a tissue.
- Ensure that you use an alcohol based hand sanitizer and wash your hands frequently with soap and water especially after sneezing.